- 1985
- December
- Established as Tokio Marine MC Asset Management Co., Ltd., with paid-in capital of JPY 200 million by the Tokio Marine Group and others
- 1987
- February
- Registered as an investment advisory firm
- June
- Acquired license to provide discretionary investment management services
- 1990
- October
- Established a wholly owned subsidiary in London
- 1991
- April
- Commenced management of pension fund assets
- 1997
- July
- Established a wholly owned subsidiary in Singapore
- 1998
- May
- Changed name to Tokio Marine Asset Management Co., Ltd.
- Acquired investment trust license
- 1999
- December
- Japanese pension assets under management exceeded JPY 1 trillion
- 2000
- June
- Established a wholly owned subsidiary in New York
- 2001
- April
- Adopted a tri-divisional structure (Investment Division, Sales Planning Division and Administration Division)
- 2003
- February
- Tokio Marine Property Investment Management, Inc. established by Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc.
- September
- Formed Tokio Marine Rogge Asset Management Ltd. in London as a joint venture with Rogge Global Partners Plc (currently Allianz Global Investors GmbH) of the United Kingdom
- 2006
- April
- Adopted a four-divisional structure (Investment Division, Institutional Business Division, Investment Trust Business Division and Administration Division)
- 2007
- September
- Registered as a financial instruments firm
- 2008
- August
- Tokio Marine Asset Management International (Singapore subsidiary) received approval for their Shanghai Representative Office
- October
- Tokio Marine Asset Management London acquired their marketing license from the Financial Services Authority, UK
- 2011
- March
- Became a signatory to UNPRI
- 2012
- December
- Established Tokio Marine Global Core Property Fund GP Inc. (Global property FoFs)*
- 2014
- June
- Established Tokio Marine Private REIT, Inc. (Privately placed REIT)*
- 2015
- April
- Adopted a five-divisional structure (Investment Division, Institutional Business Division, Investment Trust Business Division, Administration Division and International Business Division)
- 2016
- February
- Obtained Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business license
- September
- Obtained Discretionary Transaction Agent license under the Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Act
- October
- Merged with Tokio Marine Property Investment Management, Inc.
Adopted a six-divisional structure (Investment Division, Institutional Business Division, Investment Trust Business Division, Property Investment Division, Administration Division and International Business Division)
- 2018
- November
- Became signatory to Access to Medicine Foundation Investor Statement
- 2019
- February
- Became signatory to Montréal Carbon Pledge
- April
- Became signatory to Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
Became signatory to Carbon Disclosure Project
- 2021
- May
- The "Tokio Marine Rogge Asset Management Ltd." joint venture was dissolved in favour of a broader cooperative relationship with Allianz Global Investors GmbH.
(*)History of Tokio Marine Property Investment Management, Inc. prior to its merger with Tokio Marine Asset Management Co., Ltd.